Friday, September 06, 2013

the decision doctrine

One of the most powerful qualities of doctrine is its scalability. Doctrine can be nested inside other doctrine. For example, the doctrine related to helicopters is nested inside the network-centric approach to fighting war.

There are four tenets:

  • A robustly networked force improves information sharing;
  • Information sharing enhances the quality of information and shared situational awareness;
  • Shared situational awareness enables collaboration and self-synchronization, and enhances sustainability and speed of command; and
  • These, in turn, dramatically increase mission effectiveness.
The distributed approach to managing helicopters flowed from this higher level doctrine, especially in how to achieve self-synchronization. A shared framework was used so all helicopters could operate. Action was taken to use the framework. Doctrine was used to improve performance.

Let's look at the event. What guidelines are needed to produce a successful event?
  • Rules: the power of ideas to change attitudes.
  • Responsibilities: who is the event for? Define this guide decisions.
  • Resources: best practices for designing, promoting and sponsoring.
Good doctrine becomes embedded in the culture.

How can you apply doctrine?
  • See where you might already have elements of doctrine.
  • Identify areas.
  • Involve the broader team
  • Focus on principles, not policies.
Good doctrine provides the empowerment, autonomy, and direction.

Business leaders recognize the importance of pushing decision-making down the organization and out to the front line. Leaders must create mechanisms that keep everyone aligned to the mission and coordinated in the field. The traditional tools of management — strategy and planning — are no longer sufficient. Strategies lack guidance and plans are to rigid to adapt.

Doctrine guides decisions.