Sunday, May 25, 2014

"center" on content

I came across an interesting concept for content marketing. This was from The Sales Lion in a post that introduced me to The Learning Center. This concept has also been called "content buckets", but I like learning center better. Marcus Sheridan wrote the piece, which I find compelling. Content is, to me, a broad term. It is generally information from an organization which has been published for various reasons.

Content comes in many forms. We usually put our content onto a blog in the form of a post. This introduces us to the information. After that, then what? Well what?

Blogs have generally used categories to organize the information. This is popular and I suggest using categories. Sometimes labels are used.... some bloggers may feel they are the same thing. But is that enough? Probably not. That's because your info, your content could be difficult to find. Blogs usually have search boxes.... but I'm thinking of presentation. Presenting your information as research or resource content. The Sales Lion post strives the same notion. Why? Because there is so much of it now. And the amount is growing.

The Sales Lion post gives an excellent example of a learning center. I find that the format is a recognizable blog format that can be found on Tumblr.

If this is not to your liking, your content resources may be put in the sidebar of your blog or you could create a learning center page and have a link to it. The possibilities are numerous.

What ever format you go with, keep focused on the learning center model. Your readers and others will appreciate the organization.

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